Environmental samples such as soil, water, wastewater, or sludge can be analyzed with Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) analysis.
TKN determination of soil provides valuable information about optimizing and reducing the amount of fertilizer required. By decreasing the amount of fertilizer, the environment is protected, and costs can be saved. Furthermore, the quantitative study of plant nitrogen helps to assess the fertilizer use efficiency and to select the most appropriate fertilizer source for the farming community used for quality control.
TKN is also a standard parameter used to evaluate pollution in water; it is a proven routine procedure used to ensure water quality.
Samples for TKN require digestion with sulfuric acid to convert nitrogen into ammonium sulfate. After conversion to ammonia through alkalization with sodium hydroxide, the ammonia is distilled into a boric acid receiver via steam distillation. The quantification of nitrogen is achieved by subsequent titration with sulfuric acid solution.
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Chrysargyris, A.; Xylia, P.; Litskas, V.; Stavrinides, M.; Heyman, L.; Demeestre, K.; Héfte, M.; Tzortzakis, N. Agronomy 2020, 10, 670
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Do you have a specific question regarding Kjeldahl Nitrogen Determination? We have specialists who will quickly and efficiently provide you with competent application support or a feasibility study specifically tailored to your needs. Get in contact with our team via application@buchi.com or participate in our advanced Kjeldahl trainings and bring your sample, that we can find the right solution for your specific measurement problem. Register for training |