Take advantage of these deals
Keep your budget on track while still adding the greenest freeze dryer on the market to your lab. With a -85 °C condenser temperature and 4 kg capacity, the Lyovapor™ L-250 is perfect for all your drying applications. Plus, it uses natural coolants to achieve a global warming potential of 4, reducing environmental impact and supporting your lab’s green initiatives. We’re offering two great promos so you can choose which best fits your needs.
🌟 Promo 1: Free pump with purchase of a Lyovapor™ L-250 and drying chamber
Lower pressure with our chemically resistant and oil-free vacuum pump to achieve optimal sublimation
🌟 Promo 2: Free Rotavapor® R-300 with purchase of a Lyovapor™ L-250 and drying chamber
Effectively remove solvent from your samples before freeze drying